So after my post yesterday about not getting much done, I decided that it was time I pulled my finger out a bit and tried harder.
Firstly I donned my apron and put the roast dinner on (which was delish by the way), then I thought it was time to stop running away from the sewing machine and make it work!
We had a discussion, made friends and made this together.....

I was completely inspired by Ginger Monkeys Spacemen and Ginger Twins that she made last week.
She still needs her legs fitting poor thing but overall I'm rather pleased with the results.
I also got to use a couple of the buttons from my new stash. You cant see them very well but they are cream with a sparkly gold inner circle. I origianlly chose some bright red ones but Madison insisted that these were better and I have to agree they look pretty good.
I also took this photo......

Any guesses as to what it is? No? Well they are those candy cable sweets. You know with the white fondant filling in the middle.
My husband loves them (he's actually a big kid really) and he bought 3 boxes of different colours last week.
I was looking at them and thought they looked really pretty so I stacked them up and this was the result.
I'm thinking of getting it enlarged and framing it or maybe having a go at putting it onto a canvas.
So to summarise I think I did rather well yesterday!