2008 is finally here and so is a brand new sparkly blog.
My last one was a bit pants to say the least and it focused all on jewellery. This time I'll have a mish mash of everything that I get up to.
Just before my 3rd child Ethan arrived at the begining of December, my daughter must have taken a big blow to the head. The once car obsessed little girl decided that cars are rubbish, boys smell and that she wanted to be a princess or a fairy princess, she wasnt fussy.
So as a result I was bombarded with requests for fairies and dolls.
I then promptly took myself to the nearest fabric shop (well actually I sent my mum as I was a bit beach whale like) and made a teeny weeny little Steiner doll, with the inspiration coming from Sooz
That night the aptly named doll was born.
Since then I've gone a bit mad with making odd bits here and there and my poor jewellery case is sat collecting dust. However I do plan to get back to that at some point.
So for now I shall just leave this post and links to some fantastic blogs. Some of which are fellow mums from the fab Mumsnet