My word.
How frantic it was last week!
M's party was looming and I had yet to finish all the dolls off for her party.
The dresses were made, the wigs were done, sparkly bits and glue were purchased but dolls needed to be made and stuffed.
Thats not to mention preparing the house for twelve 4 and 5 year old girls, blow up balloons, wrap pass the parcel presents and bake muffins.
But I finally stitched the last dolls head about 8pm and went to bed somewhere near midnight.

And I cannot believe that of all the effort that went into it all, this is the only picture I managed to get of the dolls!
But here they are (well some of them) drying and waiting to be taken to their new home.
I've had reports that they are very loved and have all been officially named by their new owners.
A big sigh of relief from me that they actually all enjoyed it.
And here is the birthday girl, blowing out her candles on her requested pink mini muffins. (Note all the childrens coats behind us, just to prove I wasn't making up the numbers)
So that is the reason why I have neglected this poor blog for a wee while but I'm back now and I've got a few other things that I want to do now, like a doorstop and some hanging decorations.
And I'll leave you with a picture of this little cheeky lady that was watching me sew!
I thought that its a bit late for ladybirds at this time of year. She was a very sweet little thing though and was quite happy having a leisurely strole along my tape measure.
What a life hey.