Monday, 23 February 2009

Owl swap

Silly laptop and silly blogger.
Between them they had plotted and I could not upload any pictures. When I did all my desktop icons were stolen and I was left with an empty laptop!
Any ideas as to why something as annoying as that would happen?
Owl swap
Last week I recieved my box of goodies from Hannah and was I looking forward to getting it. Just have a look at her blog and you will see why!
I was not disappointed.
Meet Margie
How cool is she!
And her hat comes off!
I love her. She now resides on a shelf watching the rest of the house and small children whinging and whining to get her down.
I can tell you now, it will not be happening!

Hannah also sent me these little goodies too

A lovely owl brooch which M has been wearing on her tops, some handmade owl buttons, some little white plastic owl buttons, crocheted flowers and a 5 pack of Bountys! I was very happy. Sadly the Bountys couldn't be photographed because....... well ahem... the dog ate them!

Honest guv, he did it.

So Hannah, thank you very much. I am very happy with my gifts. You were a great swap buddy.

Now usually I would show the gifts I had sent but silly arse over here forgot to take pictures. Doh!

Hannah has said she is going to take some though and if its ok with her I will upload them to Meridian Ariels Flickr group.

And a big thank you to Apryl for organising this swap. Its been great and I've really enjoyed doing it.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Todays offering is.....

That was the best pose I was going to get from her!
M modelling my little childrens tote bag.
The fabric is a lovely mix between linen and cotton and it was a steal from Laura Ashley. £3.50 for a meter!

Didn't I say this fabric would make a lining! It works really well. Far too thin to use it for anything else really.

Tonight I'm going to try and cook up a boys version. I have some lovely fabric in mind for it. As of tomorrow I will have to take a short break for a few days. L is off so we have plans to completely wear the kids out. I don't care if its letting them run around a field all day, so long as they burn some energy off! Then Thursday and Friday M has some of her friends coming to play.

So my attention will be spread all over! I will however continue with the crocheting. Its a fab little hobby to have, just to be able to get it out of the cupboard and sit and do a few lines while I'm waiting for the dinner to cook or half watching a tv show. Its great, I'm really enjoying it.

Next on the to do list is a doll or two and a couple of door stops.

I also sent my Owl swap gift yesterday but silly me forgot to take a picture of it so hopefully Hannah will show you all when it arrives.

Monday, 16 February 2009

Commision and crochet update

Cupcakes, done
I'm really pleased with them. The colours are great and I bought the felt from a different shop than I usually do and it feels alot softer which is nice.

Sooo this crocheting business. Thanks to the comments in my last post, I read them very slowly and I managed to rectify the decreasing of stitches.

I felt quite happy with the whole chain stitch and turning, so with alot of nagging from my daughter, I have started to make her a small blanket for her Wall-e and Eve toy.

I should say that I have had to start it 3 times because I did it too tight but I'm on a roll now, fingers crossed that the dreaded triangle doesn't appear again.

I'd like to have a go at making the little squares next. If any of you know of a good you tube tutorial, give me a shout.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

A photo tag

Margy at Hmm Designs tagged me for a photo show off.
You have to show the 4th photo from your fourth folder on your computer.
So..... this is mine

My two hell raisers last summer.

Now I'm supposed to tag 4 other people but at the moment I have 3 children under 2 in my house so if your reading this, consider yourself tagged.

Monday, 9 February 2009

And I'm off!

I said I wanted to learn to Crochet.

I did!
And all by myself... well just a little help required from some youtube videos.
So I now know how to start from my slip knot, do a chain stitch and turn back.
I was going to make a scarf. A nice simple start but as you can see from my picture, its getting shorter and shorter at the end. I don't know why thats happening. Can anyone shed any light?
But other than that I am very happy with my first shot at Crocheting.
I am awaiting an arrival of a huge crocheted blanket, courtesy of my Nan's 86 yr old friend! Shes a mean crocheter and works like nobodys business. I can't wait to get it and when I do I'll be showing it off on here.