Thursday, 2 July 2009
Sunday, 19 April 2009
I'm lucky I can type
Too busy making stuff and thats the best excuse I think.
The crocheting has been coming on leaps and bounds. I've now made a small blanket for M's teddy, one for E's stinky bunny and one for a friends little girl.
The one above was done in 3 days. My friend said I should make something for her little girl rather than buy, so in my stupid wisdom I thought I would do a blanket.
My wrists and fingers are now paying the price. They ache, as do my shoulders and neck. Don't get me wrong, I loved making it and I am really enjoying this whole crochet lark, its a great way to wind down at the end of the day but doing something like this in such a small timeframe makes it a hellish nightmare.
I do love it though.
Other than that its just been normal half term madness here and I am so ready for them to go back on Tuesday. Theres only so much entertaining you can do for 3 kids under 5!
I'm now starting on another blanket for M. She picked the colours she wanted, not only that, she picked the most expensive wool there was in the shop. Not happy with the DK selection at £1.09 a ball, no we had to have the £3 balls.
So the next blog post will hopefully be an update of how its going or even a completed blanket! Right I am going now because my hands can't type anymore.
Bye for now!
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Friday, 27 March 2009
Mee has landed on Folksy
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Coming along nicely
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Other peoples tricks
I have crochet envy
Can you believe that this was made by an 86 year old lady who suffers terribly with arthritis!Apparently crocheting actually helps her joints. So with any luck her making this for me has made her feel alot better!
I've had a visit from my mum aswell today and she has taught me something new
Better than a triangle isn't it! The only thing is that my mum started it off and I continued it once she showed me what I was doing. So I have to now try and start it myself and see if I can get the same result.
Just out of interest for those who crochet, do you do it loosely or quite tight? I'd not realised that I do mine pretty tight and if you look on the picture, you will see that my crocheting is more to the right side and my mums to the left. I was using a plastic hook and different wool so it might have something to do with that, but I had never even thought about how I was actually crocheting.
I'm off to experiment!
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Owl swap
I loved making that Owl. You know when you have an idea in your head but your not sure whether its going to come out as you intended? Well this did.
I'd like to make some more but with different colours.
Alex commented on my last post and asked how the crocheting was going.
Well I am still doing the chain stitch and turning but once again I have found what I thought was a straight piece, turning into another triangle! And whats worse is that I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. I need someone to show me in person what I am doing and how to rectify the mistakes. I decided then to try and have a go at making a flower. I have watched dozens of you tube clips and thought I had it pretty much sussed in my head. How wrong was I.
In the end I had something that could have been a finger part off a glove. I suppose I should be pleased with that but a flower it was not.
I have my mum coming on Thursday and hopefully she's going to show me some tricks and I might crack the triangle problem!
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Something to keep your treats in
Monday, 23 February 2009
Owl swap
Hannah also sent me these little goodies too
A lovely owl brooch which M has been wearing on her tops, some handmade owl buttons, some little white plastic owl buttons, crocheted flowers and a 5 pack of Bountys! I was very happy. Sadly the Bountys couldn't be photographed because....... well ahem... the dog ate them!
Honest guv, he did it.
So Hannah, thank you very much. I am very happy with my gifts. You were a great swap buddy.
Now usually I would show the gifts I had sent but silly arse over here forgot to take pictures. Doh!
Hannah has said she is going to take some though and if its ok with her I will upload them to Meridian Ariels Flickr group.
And a big thank you to Apryl for organising this swap. Its been great and I've really enjoyed doing it.
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Todays offering is.....
Didn't I say this fabric would make a lining! It works really well. Far too thin to use it for anything else really.
Tonight I'm going to try and cook up a boys version. I have some lovely fabric in mind for it. As of tomorrow I will have to take a short break for a few days. L is off so we have plans to completely wear the kids out. I don't care if its letting them run around a field all day, so long as they burn some energy off! Then Thursday and Friday M has some of her friends coming to play.
So my attention will be spread all over! I will however continue with the crocheting. Its a fab little hobby to have, just to be able to get it out of the cupboard and sit and do a few lines while I'm waiting for the dinner to cook or half watching a tv show. Its great, I'm really enjoying it.
Next on the to do list is a doll or two and a couple of door stops.
I also sent my Owl swap gift yesterday but silly me forgot to take a picture of it so hopefully Hannah will show you all when it arrives.
Monday, 16 February 2009
Commision and crochet update
I felt quite happy with the whole chain stitch and turning, so with alot of nagging from my daughter, I have started to make her a small blanket for her Wall-e and Eve toy.
I should say that I have had to start it 3 times because I did it too tight but I'm on a roll now, fingers crossed that the dreaded triangle doesn't appear again.
I'd like to have a go at making the little squares next. If any of you know of a good you tube tutorial, give me a shout.
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
A photo tag
My two hell raisers last summer.
Now I'm supposed to tag 4 other people but at the moment I have 3 children under 2 in my house so if your reading this, consider yourself tagged.
Monday, 9 February 2009
And I'm off!
Saturday, 31 January 2009
A cupcake, an Owl and some fabric
I'd done other cupcake stuff before but not hanging decorations.
I'm quite pleased with it, especially for a first attempt. After I've done this order, I plan to make a few more of these.
Then on to the next big thing..... Owls!
He's looking a bit scrunched up due to being hugged to death by middle child. I quite like him too. I've started on a pink and purple one but I can't decide if it looks a bit urm..... odd shall we say.
Now I need to pick some bones with a certain lady.
Mrs Katy from I'm a Ginger Monkey. I wish she would stop linking fabric shops. My poor purse cannot take it anymore! I gave in to one of the links, a shop online called Fabric rehab (there really should be a fabric rehab) and I bought these little bits
I think this fabric will turn into doorstops. I love the pink and green combo.
This I have no idea what I'm going to do with but it was an absolute bargain. Its lovely because its quite thick.
And as for this, well it seems most people with a fabric problem has caved and bought this fabric. It is gorgeous. The only problem is that its rather thin and see through, so I'm not entirely sure what I will do with it. I guess it would make a good lining for a bag but then it seems a bit wrong to hide it that way.
I'm sure I'll find some use for it!
I'm going to post my Owl Swap gifts next week so I'll be able to show my little creation when its arrived at its destination!
Monday, 26 January 2009
Just a teensy weency look and a PIF

Yes, this mad but brilliant show is back after a long year off. And I have been looking forward to it so much.
Here's a sneaky look at my owl swap gift. I thought last night that I would make a start on it but to my suprise, I actually finished it! Not like me at all. I absolutely love it and I'm going to make some more for Folksy I think, but not until my swap partner receives this.
I've also been commisioned (I never like using that word) to make some Cupcake hanging decorations. I swear, the world is going cupcake crazy. They are everywhere. Them and Owls!
I'd originally left this post here but I completely forgot about the PIF I have signed up for!
Anna from Sew What has started a PIF that I have put my name down for. Now I have to admit I was a bit dim about PIF's. I didn't really know what they were about but after a couple of emails with Anna, I now know what I'm doing.
So basically, in PIF style I need to PIF 3 other people and in turn, so do they. I think Anna is PIFing 9 people in all, 3 in Singapore, 3 in Austrailia and 3 internationally (I think thats right, Anna if your reading and its wrong please let me know). Now I am not going to do that, purely because I just don't have the time. But I will PIF 3 other people. I will do it like Anna, so one in the UK, someone else in Europe (not UK though) and the last anywhere else in the world.
We have 365 days to PIF so lots and lots of time but the condition is that you PIF too, oh and also you have a blog. Anna made this point in her PIF and I think its a good one.
So if you'd like to sign up to the PIF, email me on MeeCrafts at googlemail dot com. I have also pinched Anna's PIF badge. I haven't a clue how to do it as a button so if anyone could enlighten me I'd really appreciate it!
I think thats it for now. Happy PIF ing!
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Snow report
This is part (for goodness sake) of the 50ft cliff L fell from. When describing it, he said he was hanging from a young tree at one point, a'la Indiana Jones
Here is M all kitted out
And a view shot. Not bad is it?
They both enjoyed it, depsite the drama of the "scary mountain" (named by M) and other events.
Did I mention that M lost her first tooth while they were there too. Well the first night actually! She has a nice little gap right at the bottom now.
So, onto the Folksy stuff. I'm not as far on as I'd like to be at this point, but I've made a start and thats given me some motivation to keep going. You know what its like when you lose a bit of crafting mojo.
This is one of the hanging decorations I'll be selling. I have some other hearts, all different, animals and other decorations.
I have plans to do some door stops and little softies, although I'm still a little unsure about selling softies. The issues that are happening in the US with handmade items are worrying me a little. Until it is dealt with, like other handmade sellers, I will unfortunately not be able to sell those kind of things to US peeps. Its very sad. There are so many unbelievably talented crafters out there.
I'll stop going on now. You all know about it.
I have no idea when I will get this Folksy shop up and running, but I hope it is very soon. I've been talking about it for far too long now and not doing anything about it.
This week I shall aim to blog another item for the shop. That will give me something to work against and I have to make a start on the Meridian Ariels Owl swap! I'm looking forward to this one. I have so many ideas in my head, I just don't know which one to pick.
Monday, 19 January 2009
Actually, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth
Saturday, 3 January 2009
The giveaway prize
I made a smaller more square version of the soft storage box. They are so useful.
Then a little (well its not that little actually) felt corsage. Now I found a link to the pattern for this on Whip Up but at the moment I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the blog (apologies blog and pattern owner) and Whip Up isnt working either.
And finally I also sent some nice shiny metallicy coloured thread. I know Jill likes her silks and shiny things.
Ok, I'm off to get some work done.