Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Mee wish you a Merry Christmas
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Up and away
Here is our tree. Our real tree that L and M went and picked yesterday. Its had to have a little pruning done to it as its was a bit wonky to start with but its perfect.
I love how the top 3 sticks/stems/bits all curl up. They remind me of antlers. Sadly the picture doesn't show up our lovely little twinkly lights.
I ended up decorating it myself as M announced it was boring! As if! And the boys wanted to bicker over cars.
But I enjoyed myself with a bit of Dean Martin playing in the background. Lovely.
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Da da da da da da daaaaaaaaaaaaa, AND THE WINNER IS.........
Sunday, 7 December 2008
A Christmas meme
Merry Christmas and a Happy 2009 to you all!
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Its a snowy 100th post so therefore there should be a snowy giveaway!
A bit of a funny looking snowman I'll admit but he's a bigun! I had to do his head all on my own because by that point M had walked off announcing it was too cold and middle child was screaming his head off and showing me his wet gloved hands as if to say "oh my god they are going to fall off".
So I quickly finished him off and now we're sat in our nice cosy room with duvets and tv. Fab.
So today, according to my blogger dashboard, I am now on my 100th post! Pretty good going for me considering I don't normally stick at things for very long. But this whole blogging thing I find really enjoyable. The people I have chatted to, the blogs I visit, the swaps I've taken part in and organised, its all been great.
I'll stop babbling now. So 100 posts equals a giveaway. I'm not telling what you'll win because its a suprise but it will be good I do promise that. So lovely bloggers, leave me a comment, anything, something totally random if you wish, leave me a piece of strange knowledge or a fact and teach me something new.
Comments will close on Monday at midnight and I'll announce the winner on Tuesday. I would do it before but littlest boy turns one on Saturday and we're having a big family gathering here so as of midnight tonight I'll turn into this wild vicious monster frantically sorting the house out. Its all a bit Jekyll and Hyde. Not nice but at least I'll have a tidy house at the end of it.
Monday, 1 December 2008
Big fish, little fish, fabric box!
I apologise for the dire photo but the box would not play and pose for me.
I also apologise for the creases in the fabric. That is due to M playing with it this morning and then the middle child sitting on it.
But aside from its non posing and creases, its come out really well. I have lined it with 4oz wadding, so its really soft. It holds it shape well and it would make a good little storage box for crafty bits. Maybe wool, thread or just keep your little bits and bobs in. I think it would be also good for a nappy/diaper holder. I think they're a bigger hit in the US than here in the UK though.
Time and sick child (yes thats M who has caught yet another sickness bug) permitting, I'm hopefully going to make another one today and take photos whilst I'm doing it, then I can do my very first tutorial! Look at me, getting big for my boots! (you watch, the next one will go horribly wrong)
Did anyone sign up for Soozs Happy CD swap? I have found out who my partners are today so I'm off for a blog nosey!
Have a good day folks.
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Another party gift
This is a Molly Monkey pattern from mmm crafts (if you scroll down to the right hand side there is a clickable link for you you download the pattern).
I had to admit when I read the intructions and it said to leave openings in all the limbs and and body to stuff, I thought oh god what a nightmare. When I've made my dolls and other softies, I stick all the limbs in the body, sew round and just leave an opening in the head to stuff but I have to say doing it the mmm crafts way was much easier and sewing up the openings took just a few minutes. If I was doing it my way I would have spent more time swearing and cursing.
I'm very pleased with her. I hope the birthday girl is too!
And thank you mmm crafts for sharing your lovely pattern.
Thursday, 27 November 2008
A fun little swap
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
A little sad post

So RIP Mr Benson.
We love you very much and miss you alot already.
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Gifts galore!
See, even here Oliver is getting the filthy looks. The poor boy even sat watching me make it! I think if you click on it you will still see the pins in the binding. Thats because I haven't quite finished it, not because I like to torture my pets before any calls are made to the RSPCA.
So hopefully this will eliminate any arguments between the two!
Then finally for the gifts, I was a runner up in Rachel's giveaway and yesterday I recieved this
Its a very cute little brooch.
I had the perfect thing to put it on and then a pair of beady little eyes caught sight of it and it was gone! Still, it will look nice on M's clothes and I might even put it on her school bag so that its a bit more identifiable.
I did also mention in my last post about another pattern that I was doing. Well I had every intention of blogging it but its not come out exactly to plan (much to my annoyance). So I may try and rectify it and blog it orrrr I may just put it on the pile of not finished projects.
We shall see!
Friday, 14 November 2008
I have become addicted......
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Something that went right for a change
Well I am happy to report that it didn't go horribly wrong like the last item I made
The lady that wanted it had seen some bracelets like this on a website but with prices starting from £80 to £100! Very silly prices considering they were just multi-stranded leather cords with the odd silver ball beads on here and there.
I am very pleased with it considering I made it up as I went along, although there wasn't much to it. Had it been more complicated, it would have had a sorry end like the bag.
I am also happy to report that I have made something else, following a pattern and its come out beautifully. It just needs a few finishing touches which I hope to do later today and then I will show you my proud results. I'll also have to link the pattern because I think its an absolutely wonderful gift item for both boys and girls.
Hope your all having a great week!
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Not so bad from the front is it, but the horror unfolds....
The ends that were too short and don't meetand the bit were my sewing machine decided to change the tension all on its own.
It was such an easy thing to make and it just went so so wrong. Even the tutorial I thought was very good. Good clear pictures and clear instructions. It was foolproof! Well fool proof but not Chloe proof.
Needless to say, there is now a book wrapped up for the birthday girl.
I am now going to reclaim my sanity. I think I dropped it in the bag.
Thursday, 30 October 2008
So I'm nicking Sole Monday. Better make that Sole Thursday.
Now onto the craft side of things. I've got a few bits I'm doing at the moment, a WIP bracelet which is looking good, a drawstring bag, a new doll and I am hopefully going to attempt to make a padded liner for a dog crate/cage. Very exciting.
Happy Halloween!
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Stop that door!
Monday, 20 October 2008
"Ribbit Ribbit"
They are just so easy to do and look a treat when they're finished.
This one is M's. Ever since I made one for the Fairy Tale swap, she had been nagging for me to make her one so this is the one I did for her birthday. They are made so that you can fill them with rice or beans which makes them all floppy and they sit up but this one I stuffed because M likes to have all her dolls and things in bed with her.
I want to make some more but god knows where I'd put them.
If you fancy a go, you can find the pattern here at The Purl Bee.
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
The party!
And here is the birthday girl, blowing out her candles on her requested pink mini muffins. (Note all the childrens coats behind us, just to prove I wasn't making up the numbers)
I thought that its a bit late for ladybirds at this time of year. She was a very sweet little thing though and was quite happy having a leisurely strole along my tape measure.
What a life hey.
Sunday, 28 September 2008
My swap offerings
I had all these big plans for this dolly. I had even started making some little things for her, but I realised that the little girl who was receiving it was only 3 and I am so wary of little ones putting little things in their little mouths, so I just didnt dare do anything too fussy. I know myself that M was an angel for things like that. She never put things in her mouth, ate things she shouldn't etc. Middle child on the other hand, is a totally different kettle of fish. All kids are different, so I had to be very careful.
But I have since had a report back from Helen (mum) and the gift was well received.
Next was the Fairy Tale swap. You saw my abundance of loveliness that I recieved last week (I am still shocked about it all!).
Here is what I sent my partner Alex.
(Apologies for the terrible photos)
Alex said her favourite fairy tales were The Frog Prince and Beauty and the Beast. I quite fancied making a frog and after a little googling, I found this tutorial from the Purl Bee. I then made a little lily pad for Mr frog to sit on.
I was very pleased with him and M has requested her very own.
Go and have a look at the tutorial. They are very easy to make and don't take long at all. I think they could be this seasons new Matroyoshka's as I've seen a few frogs cropping up on crafty blogland.
Alex seems pleased with him which is great. I should mention that Alex also has her own blog now. She's only just started it but do go and have a look. She is one talented lady.
I'm now very seriously cracking on with all the dolls for M's party, which is in less that 2 weeks now. Its all the cutting out thats taking so long. I hate that part so much. If a little imp would come in through the night and do all my cutting for me, it would make things ten times easier. But I don't think it will happen. I've cut out 6 and actually made one. Just 4 more to do, then making the wigs/hair and dresses.
Why did I think this was a good idea?
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
My new little present
I wanted something really personal and I decided that I would like the childrens birthstones on a band and their initials stamped on the side on the band, rather than inside.
Well this lovely lady called Jennie came to the rescue and said that she could make what I was wanting and not only that, she could source the stones fairly close to where she lived in the US.
are the childrens initials.
Now you know where MEE comes from!
I absolutely love it to bits and its just what I wanted. I haven't taken it off since it arrived.
Jennie makes lovely jewellery and obviously she does custom orders. This is her shop on Etsy, Frivolous Ferret.
As for me and crafts, well I haven't produced very much, just some dolls for M's party which is in 2 weeks! Eeeeeek.
But I also have some very good news. Well for me anyway (that sounds really self centred doesn't it). I have won a competition to spend £1000 at this website, My Wardrobe!
I cannot tell you how giddy I was on Sunday when I found out. Theres so many shoes that I want. I'll be like a kid in a sweet shop!!!
Monday, 15 September 2008
I am speechless........well not totally
For those of you thinking "what?" then I shall show you.
This is what greeted me this morning from the Postman!
L answered this door this morning and brought it through with a puzzled look on his face. The box was huge and it had FRAGILE written across the top, so he carried it very gently to me. L doesn't really know about what craft stuff I do and the swaps I am involved in so he was looking slightly bemused this am.
Look at it all!!!!!
I was so giddy and couldn't wait to open them all!
I never really stated what my favourite fairy tale was. There isn't really any to dislike is there. So Alex chose The Little Mermaid, and did she go to town with it!
First off there was this little bowl. It looks like theres waves in it doesnt it! I have emailed Alex after this morning to thank her and I asked what the bowl was made from. She said it was a mix of clay and other bits she throws in to give it a delicate finish. Then she puts it in the kiln and glazes it 3 or 4 times! Just think all the work that has gone into that.
Next was this.
Alex has used a box frame and made a gorgeous mermaid picture to go in it. Apologies for the poor picture but I just couldn't get the light right today. But as you'll probably see, there are some shells at the bottom and some very sweet hanging silver starfish, fish and shells. I'm going to put this up in M's room as shes very much into The Little Mermaid and even has her own figure in the bath! She's also been nagging me for weeks, probably months now to make her a mermaid fin. I have no idea where to start with that so if you hve any ideas, please let me know!
Anyway onto the next item...
A lovely notebook which has been decorated beautifully. I love the mermaid shape on it. Its very mystical, and the colours are lovely. Notebooks come in very handy with me!
Then this....
A very yummy wool scarf, which is so long , it almost goes down to my knees. And as for cosyness, well I think the next picture somes it up quite well
I'm not finished yet!!!!
Some crafty goodness, which when I opened the packet, was full of allsorts!
And then finally, if that wasn't enough....
Alex sent some books and stickers for the children. There was a sweet little colouring set that M ran off with and then begged to take to school but I had to make her leave it at home otherwise we wouldn't have seen it again.
So how lucky was I?!!! I feel very lucky and very overwhelmed by all these amazing gifts. They really are wonderful. Thank you.
I have told Alex that she must get herself a blog. Her talents spread far and wide I can tell you. There is nothing this woman cannot do!
I just hope you like your gifts Alex! I have taken photos this afternoon of them and I will put them on here as soon as they are recieved. Along with my kid swap gift which very very late!
Saturday, 13 September 2008
2 little gifts
And this is what was inside
How sweet is she!
Margy said that its a wee wonderfuls design and it is pretty wee and wonderful.
It couldn't have come at a better time too. Poor M has had a couple of bouts of sickness since last week. She was sent home from school on Friday after puking in PE, poor lamb. She spent the day feeling a bit grim but then perked up at bedtime. Then we had a repeat performance in the early hours of Wednesday morning! So school policy being what it is, she had to take 2 days off from school. Only a week and a half into school and already she has a glistening attendance record!
I digress, so the little Butterfly cheered her up no end and it hasn't left her side since.
Thank you very much Margy.
The second little gift is my little creation for Apryl's Fairy Tale swap. I was teamed up with a lady called Alex. She doesn't have a blog and for me that's made it all the more exciting. I haven't been able to see what she does or get any ideas to what she really likes. Alex did state at the start that her favourite fairy tales are The Frog Prince and Beauty and the Beast.
Oooh I wonder what it could be............?
All will be revealed next week!
Thursday, 4 September 2008
First day!
She then got carried away with all the photos and got a bit too excited.
We got to the playground and the excitement was still there. Then finally the headmaster blew his whistle to let the children know to get in their lines ready to go in.
I stood in the line with her, as did all the other mums. M wanted to give her teacher her dinner money envelope but then when she finally approached her, she became a bit starstruck and stopped. The teacher ushered her in and all was well.
Well with M anyway. I lost it. I saw a little boy who didn't want to go in and was upsetting his mum. That just did it for me. I tried my best to keep it back as other parents were acknowledging us leaving the playground. As we got onto the road I said to L, "I think I'm going to have a little cry whe whe whe waaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".
Cue sobs of uncontrollable tears and an embarrased husband.
I am really going to have to learn to get my hard hat on with this parenting lark. I am not cut out for this kind of thing at all. Happy, fun things I can do emotional bits I cannot. I dread to think what I'll be like when they all move out.
I hope all of you whose little ones started school this week have had a good experience and that they enjoyed it.
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Back to some craftiness
And here is my new stash of fabrics that I bought from an Etsy shop called Freshly Squeezed Fabrics. Its a great shop and very good prices too.
I had to really sit on my hands looking through that shop. There was so much I wanted but in the end I went for this lot.
I've got plans for some of it already.
After I've completed the swaps, which really needs to be for the end of this week, I'm making a start on a batch of dolls. M has decided she would like a princess party (try and define what that means!) and wants to make dolls. Ok I say, that can be done.
Eeeeeeek! Luckily she only wants girls there and luckily there are only 8 girls in her new class at school so not that many dolls. So the plan is to do a party a'la Prairie Mouse.
I emailed the lovely Louise to get some tips from her and she very kindly sent me a pattern to cut out to make the dresses for the dolls. I want to keep it as simple as possible, otherwise I think I'll be pulling my hair out even before the party starts! I've also taken it upon myself to make my own invites. Glutten for punishment I am!
I've got a good long list of christmas presents that I want to make too. I'm going to have to make a start on them now otherwise I just wont get them done. It was only at the begining of the year that I said I would stock up an Etsy shop for April.
What month is it now?!!!
Tomorrow is M's very first day at "big" school. I actually feel quite sick at the thought of it now. Weird because I was saying how much I am looking forward to her going for such a long time and now I'm not so sure. Plus middle child starts pre-school on Monday too! Only monday mornings, but still.
No more lazy days and going out when we feel like it. It will be up early and to school for 9am Monday to Friday everyweek.
I wonder if it will turn me into a super organised mum or just an even more disorganised mum.
The latter me thinks.